MAC Addresses & Serial Number

Each USRP E320 node is factory-assigned a unique serial number and two MAC addresses. These unique values are stored in the E320 EEPROM during manufacturing.

The 802.11 MAC code reads the serial number and MAC addresses from the E320 EEPROM. The 802.11 code does not require any modifications to the EEPROM contents.

The USRP E320 serial number and MAC addresses are also printed on a label on the bottom of the E320 enclosure.

The serial number is a 7-character alphanumeric string. Make note of this string for use in wlan_exp scripts. The serial number is also printed to the node’s UART on boot.

The two MAC addresses are labaled MAC 1 and MAC 2. The 802.11 MAC code uses the MAC 1 address as the node’s wireless MAC address and MAC 2 for the wlan_exp Ethernet interface.